Ampact Marketing Materials Store FAQs

We are excited to help support you with recruitment and have great materials to spread the word that your site is looking for people who are ready to put their passion in action. Have a question about ordering? Check out the frequently asked questions below. Need more information? Contact marketing@ampact.us.

How do I place an order?

Navigate to https://ampact.rapit.com/, select the materials you would like to order and add them to your cart. When you are finished adding materials, click the cart in the top right corner and select “Checkout”. You can check out as a guest (no login needed) or set up an account to track your shipments and order history online.

How can I filter/search for a specific material?

All materials are organized by state on the store homepage. Click your relevant state to access materials grouped by item type (e.g. flyers, bookmarks, posters).

You can also click “Catalog-All States” on the left sidebar, to see a nested menu of all materials and navigate between them that way.

To search the entire site, enter a keyword in the search bar on the left sidebar. All related items will populate based on your keyword.

Will I be charged for materials?

No. Marketing materials are available to site partners, members and Ampact staff at no cost.

Will I receive a confirmation email?

After submitting your order, you will receive a confirmation email from marketing@ampact.us.

How long will it take for my order to get to me?

Once your order has been placed, materials will go out within 2-3 business days. Please allow time for shipping.

How will my order be shipped?

Your order will be shipped via FedEx Ground. Tracking will be sent via email.

Where can I find downloads and digital tools?

Visit ampact.us/toolkits to access flyer downloads, social media posts, newsletter blurbs and more.